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She does it again.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:35 am
by $parechange
Her pronouncement years ago of being proud for the first time in her adult life of her country PALES in comparison to what she said during a 9-11 commemoration over the weekend.

This anti American socialist blathering FOOL has gone WAY too far.

There she sat on Barack’s right side as bagpipers played and an honor guard folded an American Flag. You know how it’s done… with reverence and respect, folded precisely
and crisply… honored. It was during that moment that our nations “First Lady” leaned to her husband’s ears and asked the question that should set your TEETH on fire!

“All of this for a damned flag?”

When Barack nodded, she sat back and gave a look of disgust. There is no audio but you can clearly read her lips (An expert lip reader verified this).

HE doesn’t show the least bit of surprise at her question!!

See the video by

“All of this for a damned flag?”


This woman is beneath contempt and in NO WAY worthy of the title she currently holds!!

“All of this for a damned flag?”

Michelle Obama has NO IDEA what that “DAMNED FLAG” is or what it
stands for…NOT A CLUE!!!

That flag… the stars and stripes to her must be nothing more than an old rag… just a pieces of cloth sewn together and not worth the consideration of a dust cloth.

That flag IS the representation of the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH. That flag flies in honor of those who protect this nation with their lives. It stands as a symbol of freedom and justice in this world. It protects our liberty and our rights. Each star represents an individual state and each stripe one of the 13 original colonies.

What irks me most is that he nods in agreement to her statement - we need to remember this on election day.

Re: She does it again.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:00 pm
by Nervous Wreck
THEY are NOT American! X(

Re: She does it again.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:21 pm
by E_

I can't totally tell what she says but I SURE HOPE the lip readers are wrong. But if they are not I hope she trips down the stairs in the empire state building.

PBS vid has a good angle