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Good Point!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:40 am
by Nervous Wreck

After reading the headlines today about the US soldier who shot up Afghanistan civilians, I couldn’t help noticing an irony. There is all this clamor to try this guy quickly and execute him, never mind his having suffered a traumatic brain injury.

Yet this Major Hasan, who shot up Fort Hood while screaming Allah akbar, still hasn’t stood trial, and they are still debating whether he was insane, even with the clear evidence regarding his motive: slay as many infidels as possible.

So we have a guy in a war zone who cracks, and he must be executed immediately. But this Muslim psychiatrist who was stateside in a nice safe office all day murders 13, wounds 29 of our own guys, and they try to argue the poor lad suffered post-traumatic stress syndrome, from listening to real soldiers who had actual battle experience.

Two and a half years later, they still haven’t tried the murderous bastard.

Re: Good Point!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:32 am
by E_
Yep, not very FAIR or BALANCED huh

Re: Good Point!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:35 am
by katie
:ymapplause: Nervous, I am soooo with you on this. I am sick to death of the U.S. kissing a$$ and bending over to try to make the whole world happy. This, "retalliation" BS is waaay over the top and gives any of "the others" an excuse to go out and mame & murder our soldiers and this is accepted by our govt, but this poor guy, like you said "cracked". I can only imagine what stress they're under. I do not know his story, but at the same time you almost have to know something went haywire somewhere to make him do this.

Major Hasan, however, should have NEVER been in the position he was in. Are our military leaders so freaking ignorant to know his religion and then send our young troops who are suffering from killing "his" people to him for advice???? I totally blame this on our ignorance and the jackass who had the power to appoint him.

Just a sad situation all around. Bring that boy home and put him a secured mental institute for a year, then re-evaluate. If Hasan gets our "pat on the back" treatment, then so should any US soldier.

Re: Good Point!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:25 am
by re3too
Where's the America I love? :ymsigh: :ymsigh:

Re: Good Point!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:49 pm
by katie
re3too wrote:Where's the America I love? :ymsigh: :ymsigh:

I'm afraid that disappeared with WWII. The hippies thought we should all love one another all over the world but they forgot that not everyone can grow pot... lol. Especially in the desert! :))