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One more step for the ba$tards! (illegals)

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 6:38 pm
by Nervous Wreck
Colorado May Vote on Driver's Licenses for Undocumented Migrants (the friggen word is ILLEGAL!!)

A coalition of immigrants' defense organizations has launched a campaign in favor of Initiative 52, which - if approved in November - would give driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants in Colorado.

For Initiative 52 to be included on the ballot in November, the campaign must collect slightly more than 86,000 signatures from registered voters before Aug. 6.

Driver's Licenses for All asks that "all residents of Colorado, although they may not be able to prove legal residence in the state, be able to obtain a driver's license or an identity card," if they fulfill certain conditions, said Jose Sanchez, (tell ya anything) the press coordinator for the campaign.

Those requirements, Sanchez said, include "proving that they have contributed to Colorado," that is, by having paid taxes, as well as having valid identity documents and being able to prove that the person seeking the license lives in the state by, for example, presenting utility bills in their name.

At a minimum, undocumented people who want to get a driver's license will have to obtain their taxpayer identification number, known as ITIN, to have paid taxes in Colorado for at least one year and to have a passport, birth certificate or other document issued by the immigrant's country of origin. ... latestnews

Re: One more step for the ba$tards! (illegals)

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:49 pm
by E_

Re: One more step for the ba$tards! (illegals)

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:31 pm
by katie
It's just gets dumber and dumber out there.... I think he (our current leader) is starting to sweat a little bit ;)
This is a sure fire way to get them legal to vote dammit! Pelosi has a hand in this scheme I am sure. L-)