China's "SUPREME" leader......

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China's "SUPREME" leader......

Post by katie »

Ok, out of the article I read, this is what I get out of it..... :-w :-?

Within days, we learned that a company called Evergreen Solar would shutter its solar panel factory in Devens, Mass., opened with great fanfare three years ago with at least $43 million in state subsidies. Evergreen is shifting its production to China. Plunging prices for solar panels had rendered the U.S. plant unprofitable, according to chief executive Michael El-Hillow, but Evergreen can still make money in China because of the lower costs and considerable government subsidies offered by the government there. So much for those 800 "green jobs" in Massachusetts.

Then this week, my colleague Howard Schneider weighed in with an equally telling story from Wisconsin, where Manitowoc Co. has for years exported giant cranes to China for use in giant construction projects such as the Three Gorges Dam. But now that Chinese firms are ready to enter the market, Beijing has slapped a 30 percent tariff on Manitowoc's exports under a provision of global trade rules that allow "developing" countries to protect "emerging" industries. To stay in the game, Manitowoc has had to enter a joint venture with one of its Chinese competitors, which means much of the work will be done there.

To start things off, the administration might announce its intention to block the joint venture Hu intends to announce later this week with General Electric. GE already sells lots of engines to China for all those Boeing and Airbus jets it buys. Now GE is hoping to get the contract to provide avionics to the state-owned Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China, which intends to go into direct competition with Boeing. What better way than by forming a 50-50 joint venture with Aviation Industry Corp. of China, another state-owned firm?

In addition to $200 million, GE will be contributing technology to the partnership that will operate as the avionics brain for Boeing's new 787 Dreamliner. And going forward, the partners will jointly develop new radars, controls and guidance system at a jointly run research and development laboratory that is already under construction. Call me cynical, but this sure sounds as if one of America's leading technology companies has decided to sell some of this country's crown jewels to ensure access to China's rigged market, potentially jeopardizing the competitive advantage enjoyed by this country's leading export industry.

This is the nub of the problem. With its state-controlled economy, China can force its companies to act collaboratively to achieve the country's strategic economic objectives. And that gives it a tremendous advantage in negotiating the terms of trade with a country like ours, where China can strike deals that may provide short-term profits to one company and its shareholders but in the long run undermine the competitiveness of the other country's economy. What's good for GE or Honeywell or Rockwell is, in this case, almost certainly not good for America and American workers.

Americans are uncomfortable with the idea of industrial policy. But when competing against countries that practice it skillfully and aggressively, we may have no choice but to respond in kind - if for no other reason than as a way to negotiate a more level playing field for American firms and American workers. China has already leveraged this advantage to wipe out large swaths of American industry, build up a $3 trillion dollar war chest and help to put the U.S. economy in a rut characterized by low growth, high unemployment and unsustainable trade deficits.

How much longer must we wait, how much deeper does the rut have to get, before we say, "Enough!"? ... 06900.html

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Re: China's "SUPREME" leader......

Post by $parechange »

Well now China has surpassed Japan in owning America.How can you threaten China, when they own you and the banks? Obama has really dug us a deep hole. China munipulating their money to devaluate ours and charging interest daily and taking over our business. What do you all expect?! :(
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Re: China's "SUPREME" leader......

Post by Jaybird »

What kind of makes me worry about all the high tech stuff being sent to China is what my older brothers said about all the resources provided to Japan that we received back at Pearl Harbor. X( Japan was not a country that had the resouces needed to wage war. So where did they come from?
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Re: China's "SUPREME" leader......

Post by E_ »

Scary indeed, but I can't even get my own wife to check labels for made in USA often enough so I'm sure many others don't either. People just see it as a non issue ESPEICALLY if they are not in manufacturing. Those people always say (my job does not matter about China)

REALLY? Really? Where does your money come from? (many in the healthcare etc. answer, Insurance premiums, and govt money). Really and where does the govt. get money? Oh thats right from people in the US. You can only provide so many services etc. but if you don't support your base of items developed and manufactured in the US the other will soon dry up. Same thing for big companies. Like consumers trying to save a buck in the store, they sell out to China to make a larger profit margin and then next thing they know they are owned by China and next thing after that is the jobs are in China.

Really China should rethink it as well since if we don't have $ we can't buy any of their exports. but maybe they don't care. Maybe they just plan on taking us over for themselves anyway...
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Re: China's "SUPREME" leader......

Post by Captain Bob »

"Them what has the Gold makes the rules.."

Now, when they start teaching Chinese in the Public Schools instead of Spanish, I will really start worrying.
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